Banff, Candian Rockies, Milky Way

There is absolutely no way online to convey the brilliance of the stars in the Milky Way images, or the depth of the color in the HDR images.

Lake Agnes The only way to really appreciate these printed images is to actually see one.

With that in mind, I decided to give you the option of sending anything you order from me back within 30 days of your order date. I will gladly refund the amount that you paid (less the shipping charge).

Nothing makes me happier than to see people enjoy the photographs that I take. Most of my images take a bit of work, travel to remote locations, and countless sleepless nights. I have a great time going out and getting the shots, but knowing others are appreciating the effort makes the whole experience even more worthwhile to me.

On this website, I have made a selection of just a few great images. I feel that a site with thousands of images is simply overwhelming. From time to time, I will switch some out and add perhaps a few more. If you’d like to be kept up to date with what’s on the site, please be sure to sign up for my email and like my Cam Marcus Photography Facebook page (Facebook shares are greatly appreciated, too!).

With all that in mind, I encourage you to browse my online shop. Pick up one for yourself, and a present for a friend. When you do, the third one is on me! Click Here to get started….

….and Thanks!


Use of Images From This Site (non-commercial)

YES! …. You have my permission to use the images from this site on your non-commercial website. I do, however, ask that you give credit and a link back to where ever you use one of the images.

Commercial Use

Please contact me for permission for the commercial use of these images. Do you have an office, apartment building, hotel, hospital, or a need for multiple (or custom) images? Please contact me

Canadian Rockies